I am not sure if this reaches to the colleague I am
referring, just my blog so…
There is a new colleague at work. His powerful skill at work
have intimidated few, I was intimidated too but I was caught up with the failed
plans that desperately needed recovery.
He is doing well, I guess. He came to me asking some
questions like, “What do you think Salesforce is being used for?” Seriously, I
don’t care 100% then, I needed to finish my work.
Agreeing to a disagreement, I
would stand my point to agree to disagree or at least share my personal
opinion but this time, I just kept quiet to think of my pending work.
He continued to talk for another 15 minutes.
The last time I assumed
the new joiner role, it was almost 3.5 years ago. I don’t remember how I was to
others. I could not say much, I had to sneak away from my own workstation to
finish my work. I was frustrated I had to rush a 27-pager report in 1.5 days,
get 3 rounds of proof reading before having it briefed and acknowledged.
I am sorry my new colleague, your question is not my
priority. I just wish you gave me a slot to breathe before you gave me even
more questions.
I wish you all the best and hopefully you get on your track