Monday, 10 June 2019

10 Years in difference

It has been long time since I last posted, I was lost, caught in my own debate against what excites me and what makes me passionate.

10 years ago, I set my target to climb to an assistant manager's position, be out of debt, able to pay for my parents' vacation should they wanted one, own what I wanted but not give up what I needed. They were simple goals but it was what that have driven me for 10 years.

Now I have achieved them and suddenly I am lost. People in their 40s tell me that I should not make goals monetary and that I should have better goals.

How would I have a non-monetary goal if I didn't know where am I heading next?

At this moment, I just want to know:
1. What makes me passionate?
2. How can I make a difference in others' lives?
3. I know I am meant for something bigger, what is that?

Only time will tell and only time can tell.

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