Monday, 24 June 2019

Follow your own cause

Talent is the least important thing today.

Many times we see people whom are talented but is not as successful as those whom have stayed on.

Staying loyal to a cause that have cost your effort, time and energy doesn't mean that you are not competent to move on, it means that you are committed.

Someone may tell you, you are not going to succeee because of your past. You feel upset and you give up then you see the person whom did not give up while you did, proceed to the next level.

What do you call that? Luck?

I call it persistence.

Persistence is being committed to your cause, trying to achieve your cause using different methods.

There could be many reasons of you being committed but unable to deliver what you have expected to do then you may give up at a point of time.

You believing in you, is being committed to your cause. Have you found your cause?

If yes, are you on the way there?

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